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Waterceremonies most often take place in nature, but can also be held indoor. The circle is a natural position for the group of participants. In a waterceremony a suitable amount of water is enriched with heartfelt, beautiful, and good intentions. It can happen with words, songs or instruments. With a swanfeather that is dipped in the water by the ceremonial leaders each participant is touched and blessed with the water and powerful words. The rest of the water is poured into the waterstream or lake from which is was taken. If the ceremony is indoor it will naturally be tap water, which you afterwards can drink a little of and water plants or bring it to the nearest outside natural water. 

Next time:

The Day of the Water. 22. of March, 2017

Open to everyone and free.

Come and join all good energies in honour of our precious water.

Meetingplace: Ballerup rideskole, Kildesvinget 16, Ballerup (bus 42)

Time: at 2.30 pm we walk from the Rideskole into the forrest, so be in time.

Practically: Warm clothes and footwear, something to sit on and hot drink in a thermo.

Duration: About 2 hours

Questions: Call Elf on +45 23605775

Organizers: Naturlyd and Grandmother Circle the Earth Denmark, København